Thyroid Health Workshop

learn from Tami Jersey Roberts of Your Vitality Network!

Thyroid Health Workshop

Is thyroid dysfunction blocking your weight loss?

It is estimated that millions of women are suffering from symptoms of thyroid disorders and don’t know it! Why do women have an increased risk for thyroid disorders? Could your reproductive hormones, gut health and toxins be affecting your thyroid health?

If you answered YES to these questions, this workshop is for you. You'll learn the most common warning signs of thyroid disorders and what to do about it.

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about your speaker...

Tami Jersey Roberts

Functional Nutrition Counselor, Your Vitality Network

It’s time to finally understand the role that thyroid health plays in your weight management. It’s time to turn over a new leaf and transform your experience of your health.

It’s time to finally understand the role that thyroid health plays in your weight management. It’s time to turn over a new leaf and transform your experience of your health.

I created this workshop to help you get to the roots of the problem and find a solution.

As someone who was constantly trying new diets to see if THIS ONE will be the one to get my health back. But the diets were not working, what else was going on?

I discovered during Functional Nutrition training that my lifestyle had to change before the weight would release. Now I enjoy steady weight loss and no longer need medications.

Understanding the common warning signs of thyroid disorders is your first step to living a joyful life. You’ll learn that bringing in healthy foods is not enough to maintain healthy weight for the rest of your life!


Thyroid Health


High-stress levels slow down thyroid function, resulting in the reduction of hormone production. And thyroid hormone imbalance, causes stress – creating a vicious cycle. Find ways to destress, such as practicing self-care, and you may significantly improve your thyroid health.



The gut-thyroid relationship is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of thyroid health. Without a healthy gut, you won’t get far with balancing your thyroid hormones. Your gut microbe population aids in converting your inactive thyroid hormones to active.



Foods that mess with blood sugar, alcohol, processed foods, and even healthy foods, if we are reactive to them, can mess with thyroid function. While it's okay to have an occasional indulgence, focus on eating real food. Learn what that looks like in this workshop.

Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to start healing your gut. 

Results are not guaranteed. Tami Jersey Roberts is not a doctor or licensed medical professional. At the end of the presentation, a program will be offered for purchase.

Tami Jersey Roberts & Your Vitality Network - All Rights Reserved 2021